Jewelry, Fiber art

Emma with her jewelry at the Brattleboro Area Farmer's Market!

I have a deeply creative side to my being and I love the cultivation of beauty through making art. Creating is my form of meditation; the days fly by when I’m working on art projects. In part, these genes are from my maternal relatives, a creative and kooky bunch from New England who subsisted on various art forms, including theater, sewing, and stone wall-building, accompanied by our fair shares of melancholy and alcoholism.

My grandmother taught me to sew when I was ten years old. At that time, she was the seamstress for the Boston Ballet. After graduating from high school, I sewed profusely for a time, selling my hippie patchwork at festivals and shows, eeking out a living while having the time of my life.

It was seeing my patchwork clothing and appreciating my eye for detail that lead a professional jeweler to hire me to work for him in my early twenties. I learned most of my metalsmithing skills then. My other career is social work, and I’m working on ways to integrate these two loves of mine, art, and social work. I believe the connection has something to do with self-care. I love when people connect with my jewelry on a spiritual/personal level. I hope my jewelry serves as a reminder to you to practice self-care and honor yourself with beauty.

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You can also check out my work and buy online at: https://fulloflightjewelry.etsy.com