S. Rose Watson
I was an art major at the university of Wisconsin – Madison.
I left there with a crippled artistic self image as a result of the intense environment of competition between art professors, students and other art professors.
Because of this insidious environment many times I blocked my college career from my memory, and had to be reminded that I majored in art!
My love of creating art was healed only by the magic of being allowed to be a student in Brattleboro’s Rivergarden Art School’s children’s class! Many children guided me and gave me permission to copy their spectacular artwork. Finally I was back to the beauty of drawing whatever the heck I wanted to!! Bright, crude and fun!!
Not long after that I was introduced to Betsy MacArthur, who became my mentor and lifelong supporter of outrageously bright colors and putting whatever the hell you want onto the canvas, “But just do it!”
“May you find your own brilliance in the flowers that speak to my creative self and pour out onto my paper with oil crayons and my vibrant pencil lines!”
~ Rose Watson~